Previous Conferences

The 14th World Conference 2014

Venue Yangzhou, China
Date September 2-4, 2014
Theme Historical Cities: Ancient Culture Integrated into Modern Civilization

Number of participating cities: 29 (14 countries and regions)

Member cities

  • Ankara (Turkey), Bad Ischl (Austria), Baghdad (Iraq), Ballarat (Australia), Boston (USA), Bursa (Turkey), Buyeo (Korea), Chiang Mai (Thailand), Gongju (Korea), Gyeongju (Korea), Konya (Turkey), Kyoto (Japan), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Luxor (Egypt), Nanjing (China), Nara (Japan), Osmangazi (Turkey) , Riga (Latvia), Sheki (Azerbaijan), Suwon (Korea), Tainan (Chinese Taipei), Vienna (Austria), Xian (China), Yangzhou (China), Zhengzhou (China)

Non member cities from abroad

  • Honolulu (USA), Taizhou (China), Yancheng (China), Zhenjiang (China)

Yangzhou Declaration (September 4, 2014)

We, the representatives from historical cities around the world have gathered in Yangzhou, China, from September 2 to 4, 2014 to conduct dialogues and exchanges for the harmonious development of our cultural inheritance and the civilization of modern cities.

With thousands of years of history, historical cities symbolize the progress of human civilization. Therefore, it is our duty to preserve the global environment, and to seek the sustainable development and a brighter future for our shared treasures. Today, we face common challenges: How can we retain the cultures of our historical cities, while we are developing our economies for the benefit of our people; and how can we reasonably develop our cultural relics for sustaining our prosperity. It is crucial for us to increase our exchanges, strengthen our cooperation, and harvest all our wisdoms through the League of Historical Cities for the green growth of our cities. With these common aspirations, we declare:

1. We shall adopt the slogan: “Historical Cities: Ancient Culture Integrated into Modern Civilization”

2. We pledge to contact our counterparts in other historical cities to conserve and develop our traditional cultures and the global environment. We also encourage youth exchange programs for this purpose.

3. As citizens of historical cities, we will actively preserve, enhance, and promote our traditions and cultures at all levels, amidst ongoing globalization.

4. We pledge to actively enhance the understanding of cultural values within our communities, especially within the younger generation.

5. We pledge to plan programs to sponsor local and regional initiatives relating to the restoration and management of heritage values.
