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・The Historic Core of Prague ・Review of the 5th World Conference on Xian ・New member cities; Helsinborg (Sweden), Iasi (Romania), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Cordoba (Spain), Montpellier (France), Yangon (Myanmar)
・Conserving Budapest's Heritage ・Introduction of Isfahan, Iran ・Information Update for the 5th World Conference in Xian
・The Restoration of a Historic Building in Vienna ・Kyoto's Kamigamo District ・Information on the 5th World Conference in Xian ・Puppet Festival Draws International Pupetteers to Zagreb
・Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Zurich ・Information on the 5th World Conference in Xian ・Jerusalem Honors 3000th Anniversary ・Celebrating the Magic of Winter in Quebec
・Outline of the 5th World Conference in Xian ・Melbourn -Building On Our Heritage Strengths ・The Budapest Spring Festival ・Chiang Mai Celebrates 700th Birthday
・Historical Townscapes of Kyoto ・Conserving Alexandria's Heritage ・Information on the 5th Conference in Xian ・World Exposition in Lisbon 1998
・Introducing the Kyoto Concert Hall ・Showcasing Xian's Historical Allure ・Urban Rehabilitation in Lisbon ・League Member Cities Introduction
・Schedule for the 5th World Conference in Xian ・Remembering Kyoto's 1200 Anniversary ・Preserving Historic Tunis ・League Member Cities Introduction
・League of Historical Cities' Activities ・Hanoi -An Asian Historical City sruggling to preserve its past- ・League Member Cities introduction