
27 March, 2023Commendation Ceremony for Mr. SHIBATA Shigenori, Secretary General

The FY2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting decided to commend Secretary General Shigenori Shibata in recognition of his significant achievements in the League over the years. Mr. Shibata has been involved in a total of 11 conferences in the past, starting with the first World Conference of Historical Cities in 1987, as a Kyoto City official, and since 2011 as the Secretary General. His faithful service to the League has greatly contributed to developing the League and promoting interaction among cities.

On the occasion of his resignation, a commendation ceremony was held in Kyoto on March 27, 2023. Representing the League, Chairperson Daisaku Kadokawa presented Mr. Shibata the certificate of commendation.

Concerning a new Secretary General, Takuya Nishimatsu, Senior Director of the International and Multicultural Affairs Office, the City of Kyoto, will assume the office. Mr. Shibata shall continue to support the League as Advisor to the Secretariat from April 2023.


<Reference> Article 43: Commendation

The Chairperson may commend individuals or groups who have rendered distinguished services for the development of the League.
